Saturday 23 April 2016

1. My upcoming year abroad

Hey. My name is Pekka, I'm from Finland and I'm 16 years old. I'm starting a blog about my exchange year in England. I didn't choose England for any particular reason, I just happen to speak the language and I'm reasonably interested in its culture. I don't actually even know the specifics of the approaching exchange year. I have no idea who my host family will be or what school I'll be going to. So yeah, I'm pretty excited and somewhat nervous.

I guess I should tell you something about me. Well I was born in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, that is located on the coast of Southern Finland. I have lived here all my life and I quite like this place. I lived the first half of my life in Ullanlinna, a district of Helsinki. The second half I've lived in Käpylä, which is a nice little quiet place. How do I look, well I have brown hair, brown eyes and as you have probably deduced from my name, I'm a boy. Average height, average weight. Nothing out of the ordinary. I have a dog, Caroliina, who is a female mutt. She's part Karelian Bear Dog and part Labrador Retriever, the rest of her genome I'm not sure of. I also play football (soccer, not gridiron or rugby). But don't think that I'm any good at it though, I'm pretty bad considering I play it almost every day with my friends.

I can't really think of anything else to say, so I guess my first blogpost is done. I'll be doing more of these probably. :) Thanks and see you later!

268 words

1 comment:

  1. Monipuoliset sidoskeinot vielä hukassa, muista ne tulevaisuudessa kun kirjoitat (siis muita kuin AND/BUT/SO/BECAUSE/ALSO jne. yksinkertaisia)! Katsopas sun lauseet: I have, I like, I've lived, I am, I guess, I play, jne. Muuten todella sujuvaa tekstiä!
